Dinarte Branco

On April 25, 1974, a man walked alone in Largo do Carmo. He knocked on the GNR military barracks door and entered, unarmed and without any escorts. Inside, the Government’s chief, Marcelo Caetano, waited, surrounded by the military and the people. The man who stared at him that afternoon and demanded surrender, guaranteeing his safety, had just led Santarém’s Artillery 1 regiment in taking the capital. Without firing a single shot, he managed to overthrow a regime that was over 48 years old. That was the last step to take and he took it, without hesitation, becoming the unavoidable figure of the day that marked the beginning of democracy in Portugal

Adaptation of José Saramago's novel The Year of the Death of Ricardo Reis.

In 1918, Maria Adelaide Coelho da Cunha, heiress and owner of the Diário de Notícias, leaves the social, cultural and family luxury in which she lives to escape with a petty chauffeur, 26 years younger.

Dreaming of great adventures and of standing up for his homeland, a young Portuguese man enlists in the army during World War I and is sent to the front line in Mozambique, Africa. Left behind by his platoon, he sets out on a grueling trek across the mystic Makua native land, walking for over a thousand kilometers, in search of his dream.


Red Light is a TV series created by Patrícia Muller & directed by Marco Leão & André Santos about the true story of a group of women from Bragança that in 2003 rebelled against the presence of Brazilian immigrant prostitutes that were having a social and moral impact on the life of this small town.


The story about the romance of Snu Abecassis and the former Portuguese prime minister Sá Carneiro.


Conspiracy Theories


A Portuguese soldier, who got stranded from his team during the La Lys battle, struggles by himself through dozens of German offensives so he can guarantee the safety of his companions.


Threatened by a fascist plot, the Portuguese government recruits several "special people" to stop the coup.


Eva Lemos lives a stable and seemingly happy life, until Marco, her husband, disappears suddenly after knowing that she is pregnant. Marco steals all her money, leaving her homeless and without a job, while Eva learns that Marco was only with her out of interest and lives a double life with Maria. Hatred and revolt take Eva into a journey that transforms her deeply... and not for the better.


Adventurer, pilgrim, penitent but above all outstanding writer, Fernão Mendes Pinto left us an unparalleled romance, the living and human palpitation of one of the greatest historical adventures of man.


With Algarve and South Africa as main stages, Paixão tells the story of a love that was destroyed by a lie. This is the story of a man determined to fight for justice and to recover ten years of his life and an unshakable love that resists time and all threats.


Reality is much stranger than fiction. There is a scandal that could be revealed and the Portuguese Government is nervous. The Minister of Culture and her team have a crazy idea that, for that reason, can work: to produce, together with Brazil, the biggest and most spectacular telenovela of all time: "Corte Tropical".


Every night, in danger of being beheaded, Scheherazade tells King Shahryar unfinished tales to continue them the following night, hence defying his promise of murdering his new wives after their wedding night. Scheherazade tells king Shahryar her stories but these are not those in the book. These are stories based on whatever will be happening in Portugal during the production time of the film. As in the book, these stories will be tragic and comical, with rich and poor, powerless and powerful people, filled with surprising and extraordinary events. This film will be about the reality of a disgraced country, Portugal, under the effects of a global economic crisis.


Some of the chapters from Arabian Nights are adapted to a modern Portugal in this epic.

A Moral Conjugal


Lisa, a beautiful young Russian woman, is married to Victor, a Portuguese. Fernanda, the Spanish ex-wife of Victor, taking advantage of the coming wave of illegal immigrants in Portugal, wants to do business with false passports. Since then, and to Lisa's desperation, her home becomes a halfway house for immigrants of various nationalities and different races, all in search of a better future. Among them is Andrei, a young Ukrainian orthopedist who is wanted by the Russian mafia. Andrei falls in love with Lisa, who sees in him the opportunity to get out of that life. But things are not simple.


A loner, narcissistic and suicidal teenager attracts most of the people he meets like a fatal aura, a black light. He falls deeply in love with Teresa but does she exist or is she a mere figment, an image, a reflection? Teresa is an apparition. A pretext for an amoral violent uprising, for doomed love.


Boy meets girl. The daily life of Dino and Helena is difficult and the grief is growing in a way that encloses them while they search for an urgent solution.


A crime drama based on the life of a woman who lived for years with a man that was the head of a corruption network in the Portuguese football world.


During the war of in-dependency Evita moves from Lisbon to Mozambique to marry Luís. She slowly discovers how different and disturbing life is in a country of war and when her husband is send on a military mission she starts to fight loneliness. Over time she finds out more about her husband and Mozambique than she would have imagined in her peaceful European home. Racism, violence, injustice and fatalism make life unbearable...


Three girls from the Lisbon suburbs, Bruna, Marta and Sara, are having a bit of fun. They've discovered that people in general are prepared to give things to young, attractive and good-natured people, and they exploit this shamelessly. Francisco, a neighbour of theirs, has given up on life. He's abandoned his wife and child to take refuge far from those who might hurt him ; in effect dying. He's ashamed of this, and never ever looks at anyone. This has given him, amongst the women of the neighbourhood, the reputation of being able to tell, just by looking at a couple, how long they'll stay together. The sudden news of the death of his much loved wife, upsets Francisco's routine.


Three people in a car, who will stay there the longest, wins the car.
