Franco Franchi

Tango blu is a night club in Milan where various bizarre characters meet. Among them a womanizing photographer and a porter who works in a slaughterhouse.


Five stories center on a werewolf, a feudal landlord, peasants, a ghost, and a mother and her sons.


When a rich uncle dies, giving him a great inheritance, Franco will clash with other grandchildren and lawyers.


No overview


A baron, nicknamed Paolo il caldo (Paul the Hot One) because of his womanizing, asks his son, on his deathbed, to leave women alone and only think about work. The son tries hard but only gets into trouble.


A man and his mistress have just taken off for a weekend romp when they're kidnapped by a trio of bank robbers. They wind up becoming media "stars" as police and reporters follow them. They all wind up at the beat-up shack of a cranky old codger, with the police surrounding them and the robbers threatening to kill everybody.


Franco and Ciccio are two cousins ​​who, in the old West, have opened a service station, where they carry out the washing and drying of the horses and a bar service for the passing riders. One day a stranger saves them from an attempted robbery against them: the girl introduces herself as Calamity Jane, as well as Franco and Ciccio's aunt.


A 1972 parody of Dario Argento's The Cat o 'Nine Tails. The journalist and the photographer Franco and Ciccio are looking for a scoop, they come across by chance in the murder of a diamond dealer Dutch and Franco immortalizes the fateful moment. This made ​​a power of attorney to the two overlap, and a trip to Amsterdam to track down the murderess and instigators of the crime, will embark on many adventures thanks to a Dutch girl, Thea, who acts as cicerone in the capital, Ciccio also will smoke a joint to socialize with the hippies. One of them shows him a guru who could give them the necessary information, but as they climb to the hotel to look for the guru, they find it just hit by a burst of revolver, but the guru, who is also fakir, remains unharmed discovering the principal the murder.


girl is drafted due to a misunderstanding and this gives her the occasion to check on her boy-friend, whom she believes to be a womanizer


During a monologue on the theme of adultery, a man reviews a series of famous and anonymous cases of conjugal betrayals ...


Italy's best loved comedy duo play rival priests in the neighboring towns of Roccapizzone and San Antonio. Did Franco crash his bike through Ciccio's new stained glass window on purpose or was he just in town for their mutual confession? Their main beef with each other concerns their opposing football teams and this feud takes up a great deal of the picture.


To follow the beautiful Frida, Franco and Ciccio leave for Africa, where the adventurer Berrendero enlists them in a band of mercenaries. Franchi and Ingrassia in a daring parody of "Tarzan".


A cop has a cousin who is a thief, and one day while he is chasing him he ends up in a room with a murdered man. The two are photographed at the murder scene and believed to be the assassins. The police however believe in their innocence and send the odd couple on the trail of the real murderer who is thought to be working in a circus.


A university student, Mario Buongiovanni, tries to do various jobs to pay for his studies: selling encyclopedias, singing in night clubs, being a tour guide. He then became a science teacher in a female college, where he met Lisa, the daughter of a Lombard industrialist, whom he fell in love with. But Lisa's father, unfortunately, already has in mind for her a marriage with a very rich suitor ...


Two Sicilian royalist soldiers flee the island in a trunk at the arrival of Garibaldi's republican troops. They end up in the Far West with the army fighting the Indians and with their ineptitude they contribute to the army's defeat.


Spaghetti western from 1968.


Two fearful and incapable individuals, Ciccio and Franco, are tasked by the leader of the Sicilian Mafia to travel to Milan to sell a large batch of wine. At first they have little luck, but soon they notice one of their competitors having great success using beautiful women to push their product. They adopt this model aggressively, but the women they hire end up enjoying so much success that their husbands become concerned and suspicious of their activities.


The film consists of six short stories created by different directors, but all the stories share one thing: a warm irony to current events.


"Scandal Nudes" - A theater manager wants to stage a striptease act but his jealous wife puts a lot of obstacles on his way.


Some puppets come to life in a theater with no windows. This time the puppets interpret William Shakespeare's Othello.


A working student falls in love with the rich Lorraine Vivaldi and pretends to be a millionaire.


Franco, an Italian fisherman, witnesses a U.S. Air Force plane crash in the Mediterranean off Egypt carrying a nuclear weapon, and he is then persued by shady spy, named Ciccio, working for a spy organization led by the sinister Dr. Si (Yes) to find the atom bomb before anyone else does to blackmail the world, which leads to Franco and Ciccio forming an unlikely alliance to get the bomb for themselves.


Two dim-witted servants to an elderly, wealthy woman learn that they are to inherent the late woman's money, on the condition that they have to care for her rambuncous pet cat, which is not an easy thing to do so.


Summer Late sixties, Want to sing, Of Sun. Of golden skin from tanning. Of endless beaches. And relaxing baths. For everyone: young and old. Singles and couples. In the endless consumption of flirtation and new knowledge, the musical background goes crazy with the famous screamer. Famous personalities like Lola Falana emerge from famous people. They get confused. They are inserted between these alleged stars. But above all, they have fun like crazy ...


Two traffic policemen help capture a dangerous robber after unwittingly contributing to his making off with the loot.


A western comedy starring the Sicilian comedians Franco and Ciccio who produced dozens of such spoofs in the 1960s. This time, they quote mainly "The Good, the Bad And the Ugly". Ciccio is sergeant in the army and Franco volunteers to join (after too many drinks). Franco has a talking horse telling him where a treasure is buried. They have to get behind enemy lines in the civil war to get hold of it, though. (via IMDB- user unbroken metal)


In May 1943, two American soldiers, Joe and Frank, of Italian descent are searching the North African desert for a German general called Von Kassler, when they are captured by Von Kassler aide Inge Schultze who lets them escape with fake war plans, only Joe and Frank steal the real war plans which pave way for the Allied victory. Months later, the duo once again come up against Von Kassler when they are captured at Anzio and try to outwit the Nazis a second time.


The scheming mad scientist Dr. Goldfoot (Vincent Price) plots another mad scheme to take over the world by killing off the major military leaders of every country; to that end, he creates in his secret lab a bevy of bodacious girl bombs; full-length, life-size robots that explode when embraced.


Dim-wits Franco and Cicco try to come up with a plan to rob the safes of the Bank of Italy, but with one muddle after another, they find themselves empty-handed after each attempt to do so.


For a misunderstanding Franco and Ciccio, two Sicilian immigrants of very limited intellectual faculties, are enrolled in the police force in New York.


Nefarious villain Goldginger(Fernando Rey) is thwarted by bumbling secret agents Franco(Franco Franchi) and Ciccio(Ciccio Ingrassia) in his scheme to spark an international war by zombifying all government employees in this Italian spoof of the James Bond movies.


Six sketches with as many ways of murdering someone, and getting away with it.


A sergeant finds out that a GI hides a child in the military barracks. The boy is the son of another soldier who sings in a night club but due to series of misunderstandings the sergeant believes he is his own son, born from a former love story.


Two penniless Italian buskers want to go to the USA but get on the wrong ship and end up in South America in a concentration camp where they are rescued by American parachutists from. Afterwards they become big shots in the States but their dream comes to an end : they are sent to fight in Vietnam


Four episodes: a traveler is enticed by train per bet; a professional wants to be alone with a woman he likes; a lawyer becomes the lover of an adversary; a man discovers his wife's infidelity after ten years.


Three episodes: In the first one a girl gets a journalist to help her recover a case with some precious designs in it; in the second a worker keen on helping his boss gets him into trouble instead and in the third one a shy boy who tries to impress women pretending he is tough ends up in hospital and falls in love with a nurse.


During the War of Succession, Franco and Ciccio are arrested for being accused of desertion from the Northern army. Rather than condemn them to death for his carelessness, they will be chosen for a special mission: to infiltrate as expert officers on a delicate espionage action.


Two two-bit crooks get in the way of a criminal ring and cause a hold up to fail. The two flee to Paradise avoiding a reprisal and try and steal Saint Peter's halo.


"Doctor" Jayne Mansfield is in Italy to show a peer her documentary about mating customs from around the world while at the same time having to deal with two bellhops who have an idea or two about mating with Jayne.


In the late 1800's, Sicilians Franco and Ciccio are serving 20 years of prison for stealing two mules, when they are helped to escape by an American who says he is a friend of their grandfathers, who were killed in Texas by a gang of bandits who wanted to take over their gold mine. The two friends travel to America to take posses of the gold mine, but they soon discover that they are not the only ones who want it.


Comedy directed by Mario Mattoli.


Franco and Ciccio are two simple-minded Italian guys whom are mistaken by KGB spies by government agents from their government and other foreign governments.


Two attendants in a public toilet in New York save the life of the Mafia boss Attanasia. Attanasia turns one of them into a successful boxer by setting up his matches and makes the other into his right hand. When a gang war starts the two are accused of the murders and are sentenced to death. When the execution day comes they refuse to leave their cell, even when they are proved innocent.


Two rich Sicilian cousins sell their farm because they want to help two fake Siamese twins separate and then marry them. After the operation the girls are thought to be dead but then they reappear to con more money out of the two gullible men. Will they manage to do so?


Commedia all'italiana consisting of a series of brief comic sketches based on manias, mainly sexual, featuring several figures of Italian society.


A collection of five episodes dealing with aging women.


A day in a tribunal where the defendants are: the manager of a soccer team, charged with bribery, two Sicilians who have sold fake archaeological findings, two nuns who have offended a public servant and an industry manager.


Four former soldiers meet and reminisce about the time they were in active service: a parachutist mistaking his sergeants house for a brothel, a hypnotized sailor who thinks he has changed his sex, two GIs captured by an African tribe.


The Shortest Day is a 1962 Italian comedy film. It is a parody of the war movie The Longest Day and stars the popular duo Ciccio Ingrassia and Franco Franchi in the leading roles. Dozens of many other well-known actors accepted to appear in the movie in cameo roles for free, to avert the bankruptcy of the production company Titanus.


Five episodes which show Italian peoples pathological unfaithfulness in marriage.


A series of sketches about people who have illicit affairs in a motel: among them a starlet and a pilot, two bit Casanovas, an industry manager and his secretary.


A meek clerk is hunted by the counterespionage because he has a secret formula tattooed on his bottom.


Two industry managers from Milan are in Rome to get the contract to build a YMCA hostel. They get in touch with a masseuses ring and one of the masseuses is introduced to the president of the catholic association as the wife of one of the managers. During a vice squad roundup, the president is about to be discovered with one of the girls when he dies of a stroke. How will the others try to hide his death?


Two Sicilian cousins ​​are forced to go to Japan to collect an inheritance. Once they arrive they realize they will have to adapt to the local customs. The tour will turn into a long series of troubles: the Sicilian cousins, to obtain the inheritance, will have to turn into real samurai.


A clerk has had a picture taken during W.W.I with the future Italian dictator Mussolini and tries to exploit the situation pretending he is a dear friend of his. When he finds out who Mussolini really is he changes his mind and goes back to his bleak life.


Ciccio and Franco flee Naples because they are wrongly accused of having murdered a local camorra boss and enlist in the Foreign Legion. They are inept but are mistaken for brave people by their commander and sent to break a weapon smuggling ring.


Two boxing promoters travel via time machine back to the days of Hercules, who must save them from Genghis Khan and the Mongol Horde.


During the 3rd century B.C. a horde of barbarians are hired by the Phoenian city of Carthage to fight against the Roman empire, but when the city's ruler is unable to fulfill the promised payment made to the mercenaries, they attack the African settlement, where Salammbô --the king's daughter and high priestess of goddess Tanit- tries to settle the matter when the Barbarian leader who has fallen for her steals the sacred veil of Carthage from the temple, without taking into account the evil schemes of a powerful member of the council of wise men.


During the absence of her husband, who left for a fishing cruise in the seas of China, Carmela falls under the spell of Vito, a young fisherman.
