Irene D'Astrea

A young married couple seeks out erotic adventures.


.A group of adolescents from the same school, although of different social classes, intervene between them. Oscar falls in love with Sandra until Diego seduces her and makes her pregnant ...

At Heathrow Airport, a man is razored to death in a toilet cubicle. A young woman, Peggy Foster, is concerned about the disappearance of Michael, her photographer boyfriend, who has been in Vietnam for months. In order to pay the rent, she reluctantly sub-lets her garret flat to a man called John Kirk Lawford. The new tenant wears sunglasses indoors and acts suspiciously. Peggy is lured to an abandoned airfield by a call from Michael but is shot at by a sniper. Back at her apartment block she is shocked to find that a man has apparently committed suicide by jumping from her balcony. While the police question Peggy, a stranger turns up and announces himself as John Kirk Lawford! Shirley, secretary to Peggy's lascivious publisher, is killed by a black-gloved intruder and the mystery deepens...


Emma is a teenager when she is the victim of a terrible road accident in London, and needs psychiatric care after she suffers from resulting brain injury. Her mother, Silvia, confines her in the house, and Emma's personality becomes aggressive, leading to a regrettable series of violent deaths.


Through several "sketches" of erotic character tell the story of a man who has a heart condition and has never been with a woman, that of a loving couple discussing how much they want to, that of a man who his deathbed makes his wife promise to remake his life with his best friend, the arts of seduction of a waiter with a French woman, the weaknesses of a leader on the skirts ...


A bunch of outlaws awaits the release from prison of an old goldminer, believed to have hidden 28 sacks of gold 20 years before... They all want the old man to speak, but only one of them will fulfill his dream.


Meet poor old Mr. Robinson who is so bored at home with his terrible and an annoying house wife and her Mother. At work one day, he decides to retire from urban life and spend the rest of his time with three very nice girls on an island. But beware! there's awful cannibals.


Julian is a womanizer who has affairs with several girls at once. To escape the clutches of a cuckolded husband, he is forced to dress as a woman and join a women's professional football team, posing as a famous athlete in Argentina. This is the beginning of a series of deranged adventures.


In a Wild West town, Miss Nora, a beautiful smuggler, meets Scott, a bounty hunter that goes to Mexico with her for work issues. While they are in Mexico, three smugglers arrested by the military are released by the girl, who used all her seduction skills to get what she wants. But the guerrilla leader realizes the trap and the three smugglers are considered fugitives pursued by the Mexican revolutionaries and by Scott, as the law has put a price on their heads.


A band of outlaws has assaulted the car that carries the state tax. Oswald, the most powerful man in Montana, is celebrating the success of the robbery as an accomplice steal to him $ 300,000. The sheriff is determined to get evidence against Oswald and to judge. All suspect that Roger seeks the sheriff protection, promising evidence against Oswald.


John leaves for Barcelona in search of Cristina, who two years ago went to the city. On arrival he is hosted in a cousin's house and there he meets Monica that falls madly in love with him. When he finally finds Cristina, things do not happen as he expected, the time and the city have changed her and she is not sure to continue the relationship. Meanwhile, Monica tries unsuccessfully to call the attention of John.


A former convict, named Raul Vela, and a cabaret singer, called Clara, are a couple who tries to lead a normal life. He has found an employment and she wants to leave the cabaret. One day an old chief, who wants to disappear, proposes him to justify his supposed death in a supposed accident. In exchange, Raúl will receive one hundred thousand pesetas as gratification. Raul refuses to engage in the deception. Shortly after, he reads in a newspaper about the death of Cervera, which makes the police relate him to the case.


At eleven, Juan Jose and Morucha are determined to turn his small band into an orchestra and raise funds. The reason is to help a classmate who is seriously ill.
