José María Nunes

A man explains his suicide, long meditated, as a manifestation of protest against the time in which he has lived. He tries to make an apology for the freedom that he has not been able to achieve, despite his permanent rebellion, only in some occasions when he has loved, with the few women he has had, with the friendship of a few friends and with the family of which only the father remains. He is happy when he knows that he will be released and he will achieve the absolute freedom so desired. Until the last moment, he retains the irony and a subtle humor.

How the cinema industry does not respect the author's work as it was conceived, how manipulates the motion pictures in order to make them easier to watch by an undemanding audience or even how mutilates them to adapt the original formats and runtimes to the restrictive frame of the television screen and the abusive requirements of advertising. (Followed by “Filmmakers in Action.”)


Maria, the last member of a good provincial family of long tradition, wants to live the atmosphere of these musical groups that proliferate all over the world. He meets Ricardo, a former partner in the advertising world, who has self-marginalized because he got to the point where he felt disgusted by this false world. Maria tries to leave him, but has just integrated into this chaotic environment.


An important executive hires a hostess for 24 hours because he needs to tell someone all the intimate secrets he could never tell anyone.

A young university student "Lillian" (Fani) returns to her family's country villa near a lake where years earlier had mother drowned. She is supposedly researching a local legend, a witch called Kira and strange symbol associated with her.


Two lovers, a man and a woman, meet and separate in a timeless space.


An unprejudiced portrait of Spanish folklore and a crude analysis in black and white of its intimate relationship with atavism and superstition, with violence and pain, with blood and death; a story of terror, a journey to the most sinister and ancestral Spain; the one that lived far from the most visited tourist destinations, from the economic miracle and unstoppable progress, relentlessly promoted by the Franco regime during the sixties…


A successful actress with three children takes an artist lover to fill a void in her life. This avant garde feature illustrates the alienation of an individual who is lonely despite the wealth and fame her career has brought to her. Jose Maria Nunes wrote the screenplay which relies heavily on verbiage and philosophical symbolism.


The film has no clear plot. It deals with the reactions of an older man and a young woman to the news stories that occur in 1968: the May student protests, Vietnam, Biafra. It is scattered, apparently disconnected. The characters find themselves in illogical situations: in a train cemetery, in a ruined house where some young people edit a journal. There is no sound of steps, and doors, when opened or closed, make no sound.


A man and a woman, both disappointed with their partners, meet by chance at the beginning of the night. They will spend the night together drinking red wine in Barcelona's Chinatown.


The young law student David is involved in a series of small crimes that led him to discover the corpse of the husband of his French friend Lucile in the trunk of the car in which he runs away to France, which makes her join him of his trip. Film with a clear influence of the Nouvelle Vague


"Tomorrow ..." (mañana...) is the easy exit to deceive themselves of those who feel the impotence and the cowardice to confront face to face their circumstances in life.


Rosendo has an annoying habit: trying to fix everything that breaks at home. Suffering continues scorns from his wife and his horrible mother, decides to appear dead and then come back as his twin brother and thus win back the love of his family with the help of his friend Luquitas.


Enrique kills a man for stealing him a check he has received due to an accident. However, things get complicated because it had not yet been cashed. This will force him to try to forge the signature and eliminate any suspect, including his girlfriend Clara, who works in a law office and who talked him about the check. Police tracks the case, but by chance Pedrito, the police inspector's son, is also investigating on his own.
