Julie Duclos

Alexandre lives in Lyon with his wife and children. One day, he discovered by chance that the priest who abused him to scouts always officiates with children. He then starts a fight, quickly joined by François and Emmanuel, also victims of the priest, to "release their word" on what they suffered.


Manuel bids farewell to his routine and boards a 15th century vessel under pirate law. Treason on board triggers a series of terrible events our protagonist overcomes while keeping his moral principles intact.


Paris, 1968. Overnight, Isabelle, a young high school student, comes home in shock after what she saw in the streets. Her parents decide to take her to the countryside to escape the disorders. From then on, Isabelle has only one thing in mind: get back to Paris. Instead, her life will take a whole different direction.


It’s summer. Peter is seventeen years old. He slips away from the family home to get together with his friends. Beside a river, the teenagers play at scaring each other. It is the day of the accident.
