Keisuke Horibe

Hoshikamo yearned to become a private detective and he now works as a private detective. He is not good at communicating with women. Hoshikamo once worked at a big private detective agency, but he now he runs his own private detective office. His office is situated within his grandmother's recycle shop. Hoshikamo solves various cases with his assistant Tsugumi Karato. He first met Tsugumi Karato when she was his client. She hired him to help her with a stalker.

Two people, sake and gourmet. Yoshioka (Asaka), who is stressed by work, reunites with Keiko (Nakamura), a longed-for senior, because of his work in the “U-shaped bar” with a U-shaped counter.

Workers at the Fukushima Daiichi facility in Japan risk their lives and stay at the nuclear power plant to prevent total destruction after the region is devastated by an earthquake an tsunami in 2011.


Koichi Asakura (Fuju Kamio) works as a designer at an advertising agency. Even though he works very hard, he does not receive recognition at his job. He is frustrated by his circumstance. He decides to visit a place from his school days, involving Eren Yamagishi (Elaiza Ikeda). Meanwhile, Eren Yamagishi has the nickname of "The Southpaw" (“Hidarikiki”) and is a painter in New York. She is gifted as painter, but, due to her genius like talent, she suffers.

Nagisa is 17 years old and attends 2nd grade in high school. He is apart from his parents and lives alone in the seaside town of Fujisawa in Kanagawa. He is passionate about surfing and works at a bathhouse in a hostel on the island Enoshima linked to Fujisawa. Shun is the same age as Nagisa and visits Fujisawa for spring break. They meet and develop a relationship more than friendship. However, the surfing equipment store owner’s daughter Chika has been secretly in love with Nagisa.

Nitobe and Sakamoto are childhood friends who now work at the front desk of a capsule hotel. Nitobe has a particular fondness for philosophy and crustaceans. Sakamoto, meanwhile, is fixated on suicide. The capsule hotel draws a variety of guests, including a Finnish mother who has lost her child, a fugitive woman, and a researcher studying Daphnia. None of their lives ever intersect. They exist, but never cross, like cells in a capsule hotel. The themes of life and death are explored through a fragmentary view of the characters’ lives.


Takuminokami Asano is a handshu (lord) and he is ordered to kill himself due to a scheme by Kozukenosuke Kira. Having no time to mourn his lord’s death, Kuranosuke Oishi (Shinichi Tsutsumi) decides to take revenge on Kozukenosuke Kira. Kuranosuke Oishi plans an attack with the help of accountant Chosuke Yato (Takashi Okamura), but they don't have enough in their budget.


Ko, a man in his late 30s, lives in the countryside with his wife and teenage son. Mitsuhiko, who runs a local car dealership, also stayed in his hometown. One day, their mutual friend Eisuke returns from a long military operation and their reunification brings back both pleasant and painful memories.


Based on a manga series of the same name, an average high school baseball team is weakened when Hiroki, one of the star players in the team, receives a failing grade in school and cannot participate in any of the club’s activities till he passes again.

Seto Ichitaka, a second year high school student, has liked his classmate Yoshizuki Iori since the first year. Then the two of them become committee members of the welcome party for freshmen. When Ichitaka gradually opens up to Iori, his childhood friend Akiba Itsuki shows up all of a sudden.


Lead character Rei Okumori was in his last year of middle school when he killed his father to protect his mother from domestic violence. Rei and his mother Shoko buried the corpse in the yard, dumped the father's favorite car in the ocean, and staged everything to look like a missing person case. Just like that, Rei's crime became a "secret" between only him and his mother. He decides he doesn't need any friends or a girlfriend and lives under the radar without forming deep relationships with anyone. Rei works tirelessly to become a lawyer--a dream that is the only meaning he finds in life. Shoko blames herself for being the reason her son has to bear a heavy burden for life and wishes from the bottom of her heart that he will be happy. Eight years after the murder, Rei meets Sawa Tachibana, an innocent girl who attends the same law school and dreams of becoming a prosecutor. Sawa is a flash of light that enters the darkness in which Rei has walked all these years. They fall in love and Rei obliges his mother and girlfriend's wish that they get married. Just when Rei and Sawa decide to get married, someone who knows the "secret" begins to send eerie messages.


The background to and depiction of a watershed battle in Japanese history, at Sekigahara in 1600, when Tokugawa Ieyasu's Army of the East defeated the Army of the West of Ishida Mitsunari. The story includes the intrigues and shifting loyalties of the various retainers, family members, and samurai.


In order to conceal past corruption by the government, the Kyuryu group proceeds on a plan to destroy a street and build a casino. To stop the Kyuryu group, members of SWORD begin to move.


Shinichi Tominaga is a prosecutor, newly appointed to the special investigation division for the Tokyo district prosecutors' office. He is currently busy with a case involving suspicious donations to powerful politician Yohei Tachibana. Shinichi then receives a mysterious message from his friend Samon Kondo. His friend is in charge of space development at The The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. The message talks about a scandal related to space development. Samon soon goes missing after sending the message. Shinichi begins to see a connection between the two cases.

An illegal biological weapon K-55 is stolen from a university lab. The university lab can't even call the police because the secret nature of the weapon. The school lab then receives a message stating that the entire country is now being held hostage and they must pay a ransom of 300 million yen.


Yuri Ishikawa and her team try to crack unresolved cold cases in Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan.


Squid have 10 legs. Octopuses have 8 legs. Added together, that’s 18 legs.

Ando can't accept this his daughter Kana committed suicide. Kana fell from the ledge of a school building and died. Ando attempts to find out the truth behind his daughter's death. He becomes suspicious of his daughter's former classmate, Saki. Saki isn't a typical high school student and she aspires to work in show business. She dominates her high school with her charisma.


The body of a young woman is discovered in a park in Tokyo with all her organs removed. The case is assigned to Detective Inukai, a usually cool and unemotional detective known for seeing through the lies of others. But Inukai has a young daughter in need of a kidney transplant, so when the first crime is followed by two similar crimes, Inukai is caught between his roles as a detective and a father.


"Ouroboros" is an ancient symbol that depicts a snake eating its own tail - meaning infinity. Based on a popular comic, a clumsy detective and a cool gang stand up to true evil. Ikuo and Tatsuya grew up in a children's orphanage together. When their favorite teacher, Yuiko, is murdered, a policeman wearing a gold watch covers up the incident. Ikuo and Tatsuya promise each other to avenge their teacher someday. Twenty years later, Ikuo is a detective in Shinjuku second police station investigating various cases with elite detective - Mizuki, while smart and handsome Tatsuya has become one of the top members of a gang group.


In this unauthorized adaptation of the novel "The Long Goodbye" by Raymond Chandler set in Tokyo during the 1950s, Tamotsu is suspected of murdering his actress wife Shizuka Harada. He flees to Taiwan and commits suicide. Tamotsu's friend Banji Masuzawa, a private detective, has doubts about Tamotsu's death, but the case is covered up by powerful media mogul Heizo Harada. Banji is then involved in another case involving the neighbors of the Harada family. He encounters drunk novelist Joji Kamiido, a publishing house editor and a beautiful woman Aiko who holds the key to case. As it looks like Banji has solved the case, something unexpected occurs...

Set within the Tokyo DisneySea theme park, the love lives of various people are told. Gakkun has been preparing for his accounting license exam. Nao Nanami works in the gift wrapping section of a department store.

Koichi and Atsumi are lovers who have known each other all their lives. A year ago, however, a suicide attempt by Atsumi left her in a coma. Through 'sensing', a type of neurosurgical procedure allowing contact with the intentional aspect of a comatose patient's mind, Koishi tries to find out why Atsumi tried to kill herself, and to bring her back to consciousness. He enters her subconscious, and is told to find a picture of a plesiosaur she drew when she was a child. It turns out that a childhood incident buried in their past will bring their minds together.


In this modern adaptation of the Dostoyevsky classic, a loner named Miroku takes it upon himself to kill a teenage girl leading a prostitution ring. She's an insect that hurts everyone around her. She needs to die -- and he's going to kill her. Why is that wrong?


Miku finds out that the most popular guy at school will be living under the same roof as her for the summer. Will a budding summer romance blossom?


Kenichi Shibuya is a 50-year-old salaryman who divorced a few years back. Since the divorce, his relationship with his daughter has become awkward. One day, Kenichi Shibuya and his boss Yumi Ayase are struck by lightning and die. They go to the afterlife. There in the afterlife they hear of a legendary soup. If someone drinks the legendary soup, that person is reborn, but the reborn person has no memories of their prior life. Kenichi Shibuya then searches for the secrets in the legendary soup, hoping to be reborn, but not forget his daughter.


An old couple, their only son, the son's wife, a young man and his lover live peacefully in a village. Then, a terrifying earthquake strikes that causes a nearby nuclear station to explode. The residents must evacuate, but the family lives on a farm, with only half of the area designated as an evacuation area...


Kyohei Nagashima (Masaki Okada) has shut away the world. During his high school days he was the target of bullying and experienced horrifying moments. Now as a young adult Kyohei takes a new job. He works for a company that specializes in cleaning out the homes of recently deceased individuals. With his new job Kyohei meets co-worker Yuki (Nana Eikura). Yuki has also experienced a traumatizing event as a teen and has also shut herself away from the world. These two young people form a bond as they go through the homes of the recently departed people. They gradually open up to each other and in the process to the world. Yet, their fragile psyches may or may not be ready for such changes ...


Set after the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami, all 14-year-old Sumida Yuichi wants to become is a regular boy and live a decent life. His environment though repeatedly drags him into the mud. He runs his parent's rental boat business, which is located next to a nondescript lake. His mother frequently comes home with different men and soon she leaves him entirely. His father only comes around looking for money. Chazawa Keiko is a classmate of Sumida Yuichi. She harbors a severe crush on Yuichi. Keiko's home life isn't much better than Yuichi's. Her mother builds a gallows with a noose in place for Keiko to take her own life. Her mother believes her life would be better off without Keiko. Under these circumstances, Keiko pays a visit to Yuichi's home. A group of people are lingering nearby who live in makeshift tents on the property. Keiko tries to befriend Yuichi, but she is berated and even physically assaulted. She doesn't get deterred though and sticks around.


Yu Irie (8000 MILES 1 & 2) returns with this ambitious flick about an upcoming concert by a reclusive rock group and the managers, obsessed fans, shut-ins, single moms and kindergarten teachers who are affected by it. A true tribute to the healing power of rock and roll.


The movie consists of 4 stories each telling how people survive on life-death choice. The story titles are: Cheering Girls, Boy? meets girl., Claim Night! and The House Full Of 'Abandoned' Businessmen.


Yusaku Hayakawa dreams of becoming a detective, but works as a trainer for police dogs. When Yusaku gets an albino shepherd named Shiro, he forms a special bond with him. Everyone says that Shiro does not have the abilities to become a police dog, but Yusaku believes in him and trains him. When a terrorist act occurs, Shiro gets the chance to show what he has learned.


In Okinawa, Ayaka Kurenai was born in the world’s greatest legendary Karate family. When she was a child, her family was attacked by a mysterious gang that seeks legendary black belt. Her father Soujiro Kurenai was killed and her younger sister was taken in front of her. Time has passed. In Yokohama, she was spending her life as a normal high school girl, hiding her real name and her status as a heir of the legendary Karate family. However, one incident brought her a fateful encounter with her sister who was separated in their childhood. But, her sister was raised as a heartless killing machine by the mysterious gang who took her. .


A samurai from the Edo Period time travels to present day Japan where he meets a divorcee and her son. Soon, he discovers a passion for making pastries.


A phone conversation occurs between a man and a woman. They both state their love for each other and that they will do this so they can be together. The woman is in a hotel room with a view of the port. The man is inside of a parked car with a view of the ocean. A man named Colonel appears and hands the man a box with a loaded gun inside. The Colonel states "its a present from the witch". The woman's name is Meiko (Michiko Kichise) and she is the young wife of Takamitsu Temiyako (Takamitsu Temiyako) - president of a large medical corporation. The man in the parked car is Dr. Tokito Takahiko (Hiroshi Abe) an employee of the large medical corporation. This evening, Meiko and Tokito will implement their plan to murder Meiko's husband and frame his death as a suicide.


War photjournalist Yasuyuki Tsukahara married popular manga artist Yuki Sonoda and had children. Because of Yasayuki's drinking problems the couple divorced. Yasuyuki is now coughing up blood, hospitalized, and violent. Even with all of these problems Yasuyuki can't give up drinking alcohol. His family gets tired. Yasuyuki is then hospitalized in an alcoholic ward. There he finds comfort living with other patients and having conversations with doctors. With the help of his family, Yasuyuki recovers mentally and physically, but his body has already paid a heavy toll.


A man, stacks of rocks, a forest.


Dr Toma, a skilled surgeon, starts work at a regional hospital in Japan. After performing an operation to remove a patient’s liver cancer, something that normally would not be done at this hospital, he quickly gains a very good reputation amongst the town’s people. Some of his colleagues become so jealous they are resentful and waiting patiently for the perfect opportunity to crucify him. Soon they get their chance as Dr Toma considers performing a controversial operation…


At an event hall in Roppongi Hills, there is a charity event for landmine eradication. Kaoru does security with Security Police officers Soichiro Ogata, Eri Sasamoto, Takahumi Yamamoto and Mitsuo Ishida. Kaoru Inoue senses a threatening existence and starts to suffer a severe headache and becomes dizzy. When Kaoru was young, his parents were killed by terrorists and that incident has had an traumatic effect on Kaoru since.


General Rouge no Gaisen is a 12-episode Japanese medical drama television series broadcast in 2010, a sequel to the series Team Batista no Eikō. Atsushi Itō and Tōru Nakamura reprised their lead roles. The initial season of "Team Batista" aired on Fuji TV in late 2008 and pulled in strong ratings, leading to a follow-up last October in the special episode "Nightingale no Chinmoku." The dramas were based on the first two novels in a best-selling medical mystery series by writer Takeru Kaido. The new season is based on the third novel, General Rouge no Gaisen. Both "Team Batista no Eiko" and "General Rouge no Gaisen" have also been adapted as a feature films, starring Yuko Takeuchi and Hiroshi Abe. Fuji TV will broadcast "Team Batista 2: General Rouge no Gaisen" on Tuesdays at 10:00pm, beginning on April 6. New cast members this time include Hidetoshi Nishijima, Ai Kato and Miho Shiraishi.

Kaori (Riko Narumi) is a intense kendo fighter who has been training since she was young. Sanae (Kie Kitano) is a girl who has only participated in kendo casually, but somehow manages to beat Kaori in the final tournament of junior high school. Although Sanae doesn’t particularly care about it, Kaori holds a grudge, setting up a rivalry that bleeds over into high school.


Japanese film directed by Keisuke Horibe. Three seemingly unacquainted men and a woman find themselves trapped in an elevator. As the hours pass and the level of anxiety rise, we realize the elevator trap is in fact a trap, but hatched by which of the parties and for what motive?


Based on the novel of the same name by Atsushi Koyano.

The story of a teenage boy named Yu, who falls for Yoko, a girl he runs into while working as an "up-skirt" photographer in an offshoot of the porn industry. His attempts to woo her are complicated by a spot of cross-dressing - which convinces Yoko that she is lesbian - dalliances with kung-fu and crime, and a constant struggle with the guilt that's a legacy of his Catholic upbringing.


Koike Minami (Hikari Mitsushima) returns from USA to Japan to accomplish her deceased twin sister's wish to win a competition and sing with Avril Lavigne on the stage in a concert in Tokyo.


Based on a true story about about a man who was told for many years that he was not employable, but threw all of his effort into working as a door-to-door salesman. Despite the pain attributed to his cerebral palsy, he walked eight to ten miles a day to meet his customers and achieved the highest sales for his company.


On August 12, 1985, a jumbo jet crashes, causing 520 fatalities, making the accident the biggest single-plane accident in the world. The local press reporters are tossed about by the waves of facts and rumors. While overwhelmed by the magnitude of the accident, Yuuki, in charge of this crash report at a local newspaper, faces a string of decision-making moments. What are news and a reporter? How should a man do his work and survive in a corporate hierarchy? What do family and friends mean to him? An intriguing story, which keeps the audience on the edge of tension and reality.


Chigusa and Yuuto always spent time together as children. They enter high school at the same time and happen to be put into the same class. Yuuto's mother ran off and his father is an alcoholic, so it seems as though the only time he can feel any relief from the pain of his life is when he spends time with Chii-chan and can be reminded of the happy little moments from his past.


A beautiful girl, Yoko, gets lost one night during an air raid and is taken in by an orphanage. Eventually, she is reunited with her own family and goes home to live with them. But there, an unexpected fate awaits her as she is subjected to horrific brutality from these people who are tortured by a past mistake.


Set in a future-world vision of Tokyo where the police have been privatized and bitter self-mutilation is so casual that advertising is often specially geared to the “cutter” demographic, this is the story of samurai-sword-wielding Ruka and her mission to avenge her father’s assassination. Ruka is a cop from a squad whose mission is to destroy homicidal mutants known as “engineers” possessing the ability to transform any injury into a weapon.


A 21-year-old girl is released from prison, only to deal with the neighborhood gossip about her and family conflicts. She decides to save one million yen, move to where no one knows her and keep repeating the process.


A hustler who gets in trouble with a gang boss in the port town of Sukago agrees to make good with the don by putting him in contact with a mysterious hitman -- an assassin the hustler has no idea how to contact. Instead, he hires an actor to play the role, though the thespian has no idea what he's getting into.


In the forest, a man is buried up to his waist and repeats an interminable and incomprehensible monologue. His seclusion is about to be disturbed by the arrival of a little boy.


A two-part feature directed separately by Shimizu and his colleague Keisuke Toyoshima. Unrelated to each other, both have a common goal: to bring ghosts and aliens together in pure, referential and absurdistic delirium, including neo-Nazi specters, zombie yakuzas, and nasty aliens.


Adapted from the popular manga of the same name, director Masahiro Takada's coming of age drama follows five Hama Art College students as they prepare to venture out into the real world on a great voyage of self-discovery.


Based on renowned Japanese writer Natsume Soseki's same-titled short story collection, Ten Nights of Dreams brings ten fantastical dream sequences to film with great visual and psychological panache. Representing the combined efforts of eleven directors, this outstanding anthology delves into the surreal subconscious with ten madly imaginative, reality-subverting visions that range from wonderfully wacky to nightmarishly unsettling.


A spell of time in the life of a family living in rural Tochigi prefecture, north of Tokyo. Though her husband is busy working at an office, Yoshiko is not an ordinary housewife, instead working on an animated film project at home. Uncle Ayano has recently arrived, looking to get his head together after living in Tokyo for several years. Meanwhile, Yoshiko's daughter Sachiko is mainly concerned with why she seems to be followed around everywhere by a giant version of herself.


Kanichiro Yoshimura is a Samurai and Family man who can no longer support his wife and children on the the low pay he receives from his small town clan, he is forced by the love for his family to leave for the city in search of higher pay to support them.


A salaryman is hijacked by bank robbers.


When a young man is sent to a prison workhouse for a crime he did not commit his friend on the outside must find evidence to clear his name.


Seven characters, introduced at the start of the film, get thrown together into the same hotel room: a thief who's stolen a suitcase of money from the mob, his ex-girlfriend, her obsessive boyfriend, the mob soldier sent to retrieve the briefcase, another mobster sent to kill them, master voyeur Captain Banana and his new apprentice, The Mister Yellow. Who will end up with the money?


In dreamlike mountain scenery, Toshiko makes a daring escape from her sexually warped Uncle Sonezaki. Fortunately, she met Samehada as she runs for her life, which is also escaping from some slayers. What follows is a wild chase that leads the audience into a comically violent world.


A dark and strange comedy about a bank robber with bad luck. Bungling a bank robbery turns out to be a profitable mistake for Yamazaki (Shin'ichi Tsutsumi), an amateur crook who ends up with 80 million yen after a string of improbable accidents. But having so much cash doesn't make his life is any easier. In fact, it gets much more complicated when Yamazaki stabs a hairdresser by mistake and instantly becomes a hunted fugitive. He's just one unlucky monkey -- but can he turn his luck around?


Sawaki is a postman who's not quite thrilled about his boring way of life. But his life is about to change when he delivers mail to his old schoolmate Noguchi, who's now a member of the Yakuza, the Japanese Mafia, and just finished cutting his little finger off...


An unemployed man trying to steal from a convenience store, and the store clerk catches him in the act... the thief runs away with the store-clerk right after him. All the while, the store clerk is in trouble with a low-rank yakuza. Along the chase for the thief, they catch the eye of the Yakuza who's been looking for the convenience store clerk


unknown as of now