Manfred de Graaf

A lift begins displaying some erratic behavior, like trapping some party goers and nearly suffocating them, and decapitating a security guard. Felix, the technician from the lift company, can't find anything wrong with the circuitry. When he and a nosy reporter begin asking questions of the lift company's electronics partner (Rising Sun Electronics) his boss puts him on a leave of absence. A subsequent visit to a professor leads them to believe that some evil experiments are being conducted.


Zeg 'ns Aaa was one of the longest running and most popular Dutch sitcoms, situated in the medical practice of a female general practitioner and revolves around herself, her family and her housekeeper. The title refers to the imperative phrase Say Aah, often said by doctors when they want to inspect the mouth cavity of a patient.


At the deathbed of his used-to-be militant mother an older man looks back at his childhood, when he was in love with his sensual aunt Coleta.


Eric, a gifted sculptor has a stormy, erotic, and star-crossed romance with a beautiful young girl, Olga. The story follows the arc of their relationship and his interaction with her family.


The story of three torn apart families on the verge of Sinterklaasavond, the Dutch equivalent of Christmas Eve.
