Michelle Allen

The tragic yet hopeful story of Fanny, a young teen from a good suburban home whose life spirals out of control when she falls for a manipulative and abusive man.


After his alcohol-fuelled 18th birthday party, Cédric gets into a spectacular car crash as he drives home with his 17-year-old childhood friend, Sarah. That night, the two teens and their parents see their worlds turn upside down. The accident sets both families on a long and tortuous path they didn’t expect. The tragedy forces them all to dig deep inside themselves as they struggle to survive and even grow stronger, through a series of medical, legal and emotional challenges. Their story is rooted in a quest for truth, as they try to come to grips with what really happened on that fateful night, and how these kids are dealing with it.


The story revolves around the character of Daphnée Roussel, who is in a coma for three months after falling from the rooftop of the skateboarding center Dédales. Her best friend Jennifer wonders if it really was a suicide attempt. Daphnée's brother Adrian's suggestion to take her off life support creates a shock wave in the family. His insistence to convince Gilles and Diana, his parents, and Maya, his sister, raises doubts about the purity of his intentions. Daphnée's former boyfriend, Laurent doesn't seem to be above suspicion either. In Daphnée's entourage, there are many the secrets.


Destinées revolves around clinique Jouvence, a cosmetics and health clinic offering a variety of treatments ranging from massage to cosmetic surgery.