Paula Molina

Directed by Marc Ferrer


A young woman abducts a doctor whom she holds responsible for the death of her boyfriend and subjects him to various sexual torture acts.


A 1983 Italian film.


Miguel, who escaped from prison two months before finishing his sentence, thinks only of revenge and finding his beloved Diana.


An eremit who has had contact to terrorists is planning to kill the pope by poisoning.


Boy meets girl. Matias meets Violeta, his cousin ("prima") one morning in Madrid at the Plaza de Opera. He is twenty-five. She is 18. He's a divorced journalist trying to write a thriller. She studies violin. She's a vegetarian. He loves meat. Many things separate them, but he moves into her apartment.


The action takes place in the XIV century, in times of the reconquest, in Levantine lands. Father Vicente is a chaste monk who fights against all kinds of vices and sins, against superstition and against the beliefs of Muslims and Jews. Carles Mira's first feature film was inspired by the great amount of popular imagery that has provoked the supposed miracles of San Vicente Ferrer. The repertoire includes anecdotes of grotesque and eschatological character with an eminently esperpéntica will.
