Robbe De Hert

Gaston Vandermeerssche is a young, resourceful Flemish action hero of the Belgian resistance during World War II: he coaches surviving allied pilots trough occupied Belgium and France to Spain so they can regain England, each time a dangerous adventure as their poor mastery of local languages and customs add to the ever-present risks of trying to outsmart the Nazi troops and Gestapo agents. After a mess-up in the coordination from London he himself gets caught by the dreaded secret police for ruthless interrogation...


Six young filmmakers were each given the chance to shoot a short on a common theme. Combined, their efforts result in a feature. The idea is to tell an alternative history of Antwerp, based on tall stories, rumors and events.


In this sequel to Blueberry Hill, the boys of the Catholic metal working-class, who are now all working, decide to take revenge on the hated former principal Verbiest, after the sanctimonious 'pillar of society' assaulted one of their girls.


Documentary that looks back at 35 years of Dutch cinema, with Paul Verhoeven and others.


Placide's dad tells him on his deathbed he'll haunt Placide if he doesn't find a wife soon. Placide cautiously agrees, but he only wants to settle for a very beautiful woman. That might be easier said than done, since he is a vagabond. When he accidentally enters a photo shoot, Placide meets Sarah. He falls in love, but she is way out of his reach.


A documentary celebrating 25 years of flemish subsidised cinema.


Antwerp in the fifties. Robin de Hert grew up in a Catholic parochial environment; on the one hand there is his authoritarian father and the sadistic secretary of the Catholic boys technical school, on the other hand there are the 'Grieten' and the French teacher with whom Robin is getting a good band through a secret they share. If the secretary finds out about this secret, this has major implications for both the teacher and the students ...


In the harbor of Rotterdam, an action group called "Redpeace" discovers illegal weapon transports. Those are executed by shipping-trade Kusters Shipping Company. The discovery is annoying for Ann Kusters, the wife of Erik Kusters. She functions as a translator with the European parliament. It gets even worse when Ann is discovered and photographed while she's having an intimate rendez-vous with a french politician, whose investigating the illegal weapon transports. Short after, the man is found dead...


Documentary about the Belgian (documentary) filmmaker Henri Storck.

Documentary exploring why Belgian television doesn't invest more money in Belgian cinema as is the case in e.g. the netherlands.


Antwerp. Someone is making a feature film. After shooting the scenes on location, the filmmaker wanders to the railway station. He's having difficulties with his material, it's a commissioned film. The story is giving him trouble too. But he cannot abandon the project. He now wants to introduce a male character so that he can explain his problems.


The second movie version, now in color, of Flemish (heimat-)author Ernest Claes' classical novel, titled after the nickname (Dutch 'the White', referring to a blond male) of the main character. The smart but naughty farmhands son's eternal mischief, pranks and disobedience drive his elders (especially teachers, family and father's grumpy employer, a rich farmer, but also neighbors and even the kind curate whose liturgical server he is) and classmates to despair in a time when a boy's punishment was still inevitable, swift and often severe; thus when his mother catches him skinny dipping she takes all his clothes home, forcing him to a long walk of shame, dreading dad's wrath all the way. This version also stresses the story's social and Flamingant aspects.


A three independent parts sci-fi drama. In the first, entitled The Bomb, a story of a garage mechanic is told who finds an atomic bomb by accident. The second part, entitled The Last Judgment, deals with the consequences of a military convoy carrying biological weapons going mad. In the third part, entitled Experts Of Evil, there is an accident at a chemical plant when a,pressurized container with dioxin explodes resulting in leakage.


A group of flemish youth wants to start a revolution The drama is interspersed with documentary (type) footage


Arthur Is Fantastic is a b/w Fluxus film that portraits Arthur Indenbaum and turns him into a work of art by obliterating the boundaries between art and life. Arthur Indenbaum was the son of an American diamond dealer who had come to Antwerp in the late 1960s to be trained in his father’s business. Soon, however, Arthur found his way into the lively art and music scene of Antwerp of the period where he liked to get high, hang out with friends and play music with his band ‘Live’. At the time Gallery Vacuum was an art space run by artists and musicians Luc Deleu, Filip Francis and George Smits, who were an integral part of Antwerp’s alternative scene. On 6 May 1970 Arthur, with his extraordinarily big physical build and fuzzy hair, was exhibited as a live sculpture in Gallery Vacuum during a one-night show in which Ludo Mich took part as well.

A documentary about cycling and the death of cycling world champion Jean-Pierre Monseré in 1971.


The tribulations of an American GI during the Ardennes offensive and the people he encounters, keeps you riveted all the way through the unexpected ending. Great characters in a cold and snowy Belgium.


The wife of a local dictator gets a miscarriage during a failed assault by rebels. The dictators' brother suggesst to present the newly born baby of one a the dead rebels as his posterity.


Cinema Verité about Fons Noyens who cannot pay for the damages caused by an accident as his ensurance company had become bankrupt. We get to see the public auctioning of his household effects.

Short animation film about the crusade of a Hebrew figure who is looking for somewhere to lay down his cross.

A short war film

Political pamphlet in which the theories of Marxist Ernest Mandel are contrasted with the soothing parlance of political leader Paul van den Boeynants. Furthermore, the flow of 'left dogmatism' is alternated with cinematic and musical anecdotes.

Recovering all of the intertitles of the Battleship Potemkin, Jean-Marie Buchet substitutes for the images of the film various views that he himself shot and which are unrelated to the initial work, thus joining the technique of diversion widely recommended and applied by the Situationists.

One day a garage owner finds an atomic bomb that has been lost by an airplane. He hides the bomb and shakes the country when he announces that he will not return the bomb until the production of such weapons of destruction is stopped.

Passers-by are filmed against the background of Antwerp's Central Station. A boy bumps into a girl in the crowd. Eye contact occurs.