Robert Thomas

Eight women gather to celebrate Christmas in a snowbound cottage, only to find the family patriarch dead with a knife in his back. Trapped in the house, every woman becomes a suspect, each having her own motive and secret.


In the Rocky Mountains, Harry Kenyon seeks out his missing wife Chris in the Winter Parade. Harry meets Lieutenant Rudameyer and tells that him he is from San Francisco and has just married Chris, from Philadelphia, in Las Vegas. They traveled to the Rockies on honeymoon and they had an argument the previous day, and Chris left their isolated cabin in her car. Harry also says that he is worried about her disappearance since she is not a good driver. Harry returns to his cabin and receives a phone call from the local priest, Father Macklin, who summons him to go to the church. Father Macklin tells says Chris is in the church waiting for him. When Harry sees Chris, he tells that she is not his wife; but the woman knows details of their lives and Harry is discredited by the evidences. Is a stranger impersonating Chris or is Harry delusional?


Maximin, priest in a little village in the South-West of France, inherits from his brother a brothel in Thailand, although he's always been told it was a very strict catholic school. The journey to Asia is full of surprises (a plane hi-jack, pirates...) and once in Thailand, Maximin is taken into 'political' turmoils.


A country priest receives his bishop with the mission of converting a nudist colony.


The story begins when Alice Postique, who had to stay late at work, discovers her boss Roche with a knife in his back. When the police detective arrives, Alice recognizes him as her old friend.


Vacationing in a small town, a frantic Daniel Corban (James Franciscus) shows up at the local police station, declaring that his wife has disappeared. Corban imperiously demands that the easygoing police inspector (Jack Klugman) drop everything and find his missing spouse. Within a few days, a woman (Elizabeth Ashley) claiming to be the wife shows up-but Corban insists that he's never met the woman before.


Germain, a great seducer, collects the mistresses. There are four, all brown, and all married. When the husband of one of them disembarks to threaten him with death, he must break up. But with which? The gouailleur Robert Lamoureux interprets this man who does not like to leave women.

While on honeymoon with her husband in Spain, a woman wakes up one morning to find he has disappeared. After reporting it to the police, a man shows up claiming to be her husband. But he's not the man she married and no one will believe her.


In this romantic drama, a middle-aged gambler tells a casino croupier her life story. The story is told in flashback and chronicles the woman's romantic exploits with men. Though she was involved with many men, only one really touched her heart. He was a bartender who was tragically shot and killed during an attempted robbery. She later marries and has a daughter. Unfortunately she alienates herself from her daughter when she has an affair with her daughter's fiance. Her remorse is short lived. The film jumps back to the present with the woman leaving the casino on the arm of a handsome millionaire.


Leon Rollo whose nickname is "Patate" is an inventor adored by his wife and is daughter. He is mostly happy but his best friend Noël seems to succeed in everything he undertakes... Patate become increasingly jealous of this incredible luck.


An old count hides just before he dies to annoy his heirs. The heirs search a manor for the count's body and are killed off one by one. Jean-Marie, his fiancée Micheline, and Edwige investigate the deaths and search for the count's body.
