Sara Shaw

A coming of age psychological thriller that plays out the unsettling reality of a kid who holds his family captive in a hole in the ground.

Three gutsy kids from a rapidly gentrifying Bronx neighborhood stumble upon a sinister plot to suck all the life from their beloved community.


A look at the friendship between two guys that spans over many years.


A dysfunctional family reunites after the son, Matt, is diagnosed with terminal cancer. Matt and his sister Kate make a pact. He agrees to give her his sperm for future use with a partner if she agrees to come out to the family that night.


Pennsylvania, 1993. After getting caught with another girl, teenager Cameron Post is sent to a conversion therapy center run by the strict Dr. Lydia Marsh and her brother, Reverend Rick, whose treatment consists in repenting for feeling “same sex attraction.” Cameron befriends fellow sinners Jane and Adam, thus creating a new family to deal with the surrounding intolerance…


A feuding brother and sister entangle the fate of an old friend.


A young man and woman find love in an unlikely place while carrying out a shady deal.


On Manhattan's gilded Upper East Side, a young gay painter is torn between an obsession with his infamous best friend and a promising new romance with an older foreign pianist.


For Shirin, being part of a perfect Persian family isn't easy. Acceptance eludes her from all sides: her family doesn't know she's bisexual, and her ex-girlfriend, Maxine, can't understand why she doesn't tell them. Even the six-year-old boys in her moviemaking class are too ADD to focus on her for more than a second. Following a family announcement of her brother's betrothal to a parentally approved Iranian prize catch, Shirin embarks on a private rebellion involving a series of bisexual escapades, while trying to decipher what went wrong with Maxine.


16th July 1969: America prepares to launch Apollo 11. Thousands of kilometers away, a ragtag group of Zambian exiles is trying to beat America to the Moon.


An elderly widow finds an unexpected visitor, a young asylum-seeking girl, in her home during dinner. Inspired by a 2012 event, whereby 40 Burmese Rohingya asylum seekers arrived in the port of Singapore.


How do you make one of the world's most revered fashion brands your own? A look at the life and work of Gucci fashion designer, Frida Giannini. Taking advantage of rare, behind-the-scenes access, director Christina Voros shows how the Florentine trendsetter has been re-imagined in the past few years.


A bittersweet commentary on stardom once within reach.