Sarodj Bertin

After their unprecedented win at the National Stripper Competition in Las Vegas the year before, the Chocolate City team of strippers have had some ups and downs. Michael, their lead dancer suffered a tragic loss when his mother unexpectedly passes. Their Reality show, after their Vegas win, experienced low viewership and was not what they had expected, forcing them to withdraw from the Network production altogether. Now its time to get back to what they do best - dance. With the help and support of Mr. Williams, the Chocolate City Dancers will now prepare for a multi-city tour to regain their mojo, but once again personal challenges and internal beefs threaten to derail their new plan.

A Talented, Shy, Single Doctor balances work, religion, love and BDSM


Centered around new age douche-bag / weed farmer, Sage, who divides the commune in Topanga Canyon that he shares with his best friend Max, and their multiple girlfriends, after Sage accuses Max of stealing his kale chips recipe to launch his fad health products line to success. Sage makes a deal with big-time drug lord / gangster rapper, Honey Bear, to train Sage as his protégé in his pride-fueled ploy to one-up his now ex-best friend, and take back what he believes is rightfully his: Alpha Hippie status.


When fame-seeking reality show bounty hunter, Boone, attempts to bring down a drug lord and his empire, he uncovers more than he bargains for and learns that justice means more than ratings.


When a mad scientist mixes the genes of a killer whale and a wolf, it creates the Whalewolf, and it's up to Sharktopus to stop it.


James and Genie an estranged couple must go all the way to Vegas to rekindle a lost sparkle in their relationship, only to find out what happens in Vegas, doesn't always stay in Vegas
