Sofia Sá da Bandeira

To avenge his dead parents, Diogo will have to destroy his lover's mom and face his younger brother. Diogo, a decorated military officer, finds out that Eduarda is responsible for the destruction of his family. He returns to his homeland to take revenge, but falls in love with her daughter, Beatriz, who is married to Tiago, his biological brother.


Eva Lemos lives a stable and seemingly happy life, until Marco, her husband, disappears suddenly after knowing that she is pregnant. Marco steals all her money, leaving her homeless and without a job, while Eva learns that Marco was only with her out of interest and lives a double life with Maria. Hatred and revolt take Eva into a journey that transforms her deeply... and not for the better.


Portugal, 1917. The country is experiencing a great political and social agitation and it is said that in Fatima the virgin appeared to three little shepherds. Salomé, a young lady from the province, is one of the many girls who cheers Lisbon brothels, but she is such a special girl that a rich man invites her to live in his house and presents her to the high society of Lisbon. But her past will not stop chasing her and Salomé, who thought that this would be the beginning of a new life, will eventually lose everything by becoming an involuntary character of this miracle that agitated the country...


At the end of the seventeenth century, in Naples, still dominated by the Spaniards, a young pupil, Balthasar,is castrated to preserve the purity and beauty of his voice. The Duchess dies and her son, the Duke of Arcos, takes charge of the inheritance, which includes Balthasar. With the entrance of Maria Loffredo, former lover of the Duke, a triangle is established that unchains tragic consequences to the allegedly callous life of Balthasar.


Episodes from entire military history of Portugal are told through flashbacks as a professorish soldier recounts them while marching through a Portuguese African colony in 1973.
