Tony Liu

A woman with a seemingly ideal life, Siu Man is abandoned by her husband partly due to her fear of intimacy. After several life crises, she decides to reboot her life by taking over her father’s restaurant. Siu Man eventually finds herself attracted to her new chef, a free spirit who treats cooking as serious philosophy. Tired of the shackles she placed on herself, Siu Man embarks on a journey of self-discovery and sexual liberation.


"Mrs K" is a story of a woman who gives everything that she has to protect her husband and daughter when enemies from her past come hunting her.


In the 1930s , a Japanese cult called The Temple of Hades was ordered to cooperate with the Japanese military to destroy China. They buy so many young children from poor family , who will be trained as a lethal killing machine and serve the Empire of Japan. One of them is Vajra , who was forced by his captors to fight for the food , and accidentally causing the death of his brother. Several years later , Vajra grown up and become one of the biggest killer in the Hades sect. Vajra escapes to China and joins Shaolin , where he receives spiritual enlightenment and determined to support China against Japan.


A serial murderer has brutally killed several policemen and their pregnant wives. After a quick investigation, the murderer is revealed to be Kit, whom the case's detective-in-charge knows from a previous case. Once upon a time, Kit was an innocent boy in a rural village who also has a crush on naïve high school student Wing. After the death of Wing's grandmother, Kit rescues Wing from a foster care facility, and the two quickly fall in love. However, their romance ends prematurely when a local policeman arrests them. The events that follow lay the seeds for Kit's terrifying path to vengeance.


Director King Hu earned much fame in pioneering in a new aesthetics for martial arts films in the 1960s Chinese cinema. He made The Valiant Ones in 1975 to unfold a story of a patriotic military general and a princess who courageously fight against the invaders during the Ming dynasty. Now the remake stars Nicky Wu, who has just returned to the silver screen with the blockbuster A Battle of Wits alongside Andy Lau, and Huang Yi from the TV versions of Everlasting Regret and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Roy Cheung from Johnnie To's Exiled also plays a crucial role in the film. With Yuen Wah from Kung Fu Hustle in the supporting cast and also serving as the action choreographer, this 2006 remake promises action sequences just as stunning as in King Hu's original. Unlike the many period epics released recently, the film puts greater emphasis on the historical aspect rather than the visual effects.

Urban tale of fantasies, genre greatly favoured by Hong-Kong cinematography, the latest movie of filmmaker Ann Hui combines elements of horror films with other comical aspects to offer an intriguing and terrifying work of great visual strength.


A team of mercenary soldiers, hired by a mystical person nicknamed Baroness,steal a priceless piece of jewel from the Philippine Museum. Two Philippines cops, Pat and Ray, are ordered to recover the jewel. They have no concrete evidence against the suspected targets and soldiers are planning to steal yet another valuable stone.The Blue Sun. In hope of unveiling the identity of Baroness, Pat and Ray have to work jointly with the Chinese security police and trigger a tense struggle with soldiers...

A boat load of illegal Chinese immigrants make it to the California coast. But many of those on board are in a sad state. One of them (Tony Liu) makes a run for it and jumps overboard. He knows what lies ahead for the unlucky few who have manged to survive. The illegal heads for the city to look for a certain individual. Simon Yam stars (in a low key role) as a former triad who's trying to go legit (for some shady ulterior motives. The illegal knows what Simon is all about and wants him in a big way.


Welcome to the world of the martial arts. A voyage for the times of the martial arts cinema, from the beginning in China in the 6th Century A.C. by a Buddhist monk, Bodhidharma, until the actual time and the influence in the world, with interviews to actors and historians, and a review to the most important movies of all times and to the most famous action movies actors. A magnificent jewel of this genre what nobody wouldn't lose.


Li Han-Hsiang's last film.

In order to pay off a massive debt, a gambling addict sells his ancestral home to a young couple, who soon discover that the building is haunted by the vengeful spirits of a murdered family.


If the Three Stooges had been Chinese, with one a woman, this could very well have been one of their movies. Veteran director Lu Chun-ku leads handsome Liu Yung, pretty Liang Yun-hsin, and “Thundering Mantis,” Liang Chia-jen on a madcap mixup filled with cons, double crosses, and triple plots. Add “Dirty Ho” himself, Wang Yu, to the proceedings, and you’ve got a winner for any fans of action or comedy.


Veteran action actor and director Lu Chun-ku set his sights on a tale of Ching Dynasty royal intrigue as an excuse to hire his favorite action stars, gather three choreographers, and film one fight-filled conspiracy after another. Liu Hsueh-hua is the title character caught between battling princes. Then there's award-winning actor Ku Feng, "Bastard Swordsman" Hsu Shao-chiang, "King of Shaw Brothers' Screen Villains" Wang Lung-wei, "Venom" Sun Chien, and even the director shows up to get his kicks in this danger-fraught adventure.


Max Mok is the dashing young swordsman Feng Xiwu who arrives at a beautiful, but deadly location known as Moonlit Sky to investigate rumors of deaths and disappearances there.


Liu Yung plays Li Lang, a court official out to avenge his former emperor. The target is easy to hate: the power-hungry Kuang-yi (Chao Kuo) is a plundering rapist and a cold-blooded murderer. But can one man take on the imperial army?


Yun Fei Yang is the viciously bullied orphan who takes on the unpleasant tasks at a formidable kung-fu school. Constantly mocked by the other students of the school, Yen counts as his only friend the daughter of the resident master. Any internal wrangling between the various members is put to one side when a swordsman from a rival clan reminds the master of the duel he must take part in once a decade. Unfortunately the defending clan chief is well aware that his rival is more powerful than himself. The expected defeat is further complicated when a wandering swordsman arrives on the scene and joins himself to the injured party, immediately adding to Yen's woes.


Two brave swordsmen fight for supremacy in the martial world and for the hand of a mysterious maiden in this lavish sword picture from kung fu icon Raymond Liu.


TIGER KILLER (1982) is a straightforward adaptation of one story from the sprawling Chinese literary epic, "The Water Margin." It tells the tale of Wu Song, who slays a man-eating tiger preying on farmers and villagers and becomes the hero of the province, getting appointed as a constable by the local magistrate. He is reunited with his older brother, the short, disfigured Wu the Elder, a peddler of buns, who invites Wu Song to move in with him and his new wife. The wife, Golden Lotus, is an attractive young former maid who had been forced to marry Wu the Elder as punishment for getting caught in bed with her master by the master's wife. She takes a liking to the handsome, strong Wu Song, who rebuffs her attempts to seduce him. When Wu Song is sent on a long journey, the wife begins an affair with a rich local merchant. When Wu Song returns from his mission, he is met with shocking news which sets off a series of violent acts of retribution.


The story about royal intrigue with the ingenious Lord Liu, whose intelligence was envied by the Emperor himself.


In this film, there are 5 main clans ruling the martial world, each representing one of the 5 elements - fire, metal, water, wood and earth. Each year they hold a martial arts competition to decide which one of the 5 clans will rule the world. The story is centered around one of these tournaments, as a catastrophe arises when an evil samurai killer shows up 49 days before the start and tries to assassinate the current leader who happens to be from the Water clan.


This is it: one of the most talked about cult films ever made -- a maniacal masterpiece of the macabre, the martial arts, and the just plain weird. Shaw's first international star Lo Lieh stars as the insane swordsman who makes Chinese lamps from, yes, the skin of his enemies' sisters, mistresses, and wives. Although insanely conceived, it is beautifully filmed and unashamedly performed by a first rate cast of sexy starlets and kung-fu favorites.


The main characters - the arrogant, harassed director, the sexy starlet, or naïve actors are familiar enough stereotypes. Along the way however, there is some fun to be had as more humorous incidents occur on the sound stage, together with dashes of nudity. Some of the events are presumably inspired by real life experiences, others have a distinct air of wishful fabrication. The over-the-top Kung Fu star, deserted by director and crew as he goes through his pointless extended routine, for instance. Or the action heroes, sweating in furs while they dutifully munch through their meal scene, 'snow' falling outside in studio land.


The story of two friends finishing school and beginning adult life.


After the cession of Taiwan to Japan in 1895 by the Manchu government, people on the island staged a series of anti-Japanese revolts to oppose the tyrannical rule of the Japanese militarists.

A group of secret agent gambling heroes put the squeeze on some gangsters who are cheating the public now after having been involved with Japanese war criminals.


An expert swordsman is suspected of being the thief of a treasure sent to Emperor. The swordsman who has nothing to do with the theft investigates and is led on the trail of the supernatural "Bloody Parrot". This leads to the "Parrot Brothel" and the star prostitute who walks around half naked. Strange things happen including a demonic possession, witches casting poison spells, disgusting autopsies and numerous sword fights. Then a dead constable turns into a vampire! This is all in the first 30 minutes!


This mystery-tinged 'Martial Arts World' epic was one of director Chu Yuan and novelist Ku Lung's last together for the Shaw Studios, but it's another action-filled winner. Liu Yung and Sun Chien (the Korean kicking 'Venom' from Chang Cheh's internationally popular series) team to investigate the martial arts murders of a supposedly mortally wounded swordsman, only to find deception, death, double-dealings, imposters, and one deadly duel after another. No less than three choreographers are on hand to handle the multitude of magnificent martial arts.


Li Xunhuan comes back to his home after three years of wandering. He had decided to have a normal life, but a group of skilled martial arts fighters and leaders are bent on killing him, so they can be ranked top by Bai Xiaosheng in his renowned list of the best warriors in the martial arts world. Li Xunhuan battles them as he searches for his estranged friend A'fei, who is now married and living in seclusion. Li asks A'fei to join forces and fight against a new threat that wants to rule the world: the Money Clan.


The year is 1756 and the Emperor journeys to Soochow, where he encounters a famous courtesan and gets involved with in all sorts of un-emperor-like activities.


Teng Piao (Ti Lung) went to jail for fifteen years on a frame up for drug smuggling. Now that he's out, along with his iron chain, Teng Piao is hungry for revenge. The man he wants to beat with his chain is Black Leopard Lam Fei. The problem for Teng Piao is that he doesn't know who he is, only that he has a picture of a black leopard tattooed on his chest.


A young man who is thrown into jail simply because he displeases a police inspector. But even when he's eventually released, the police continue to persecute him until he feels he has no choice but to become a real criminal.


The Brothers is a 1979 Hong Kong film produced by the Shaw Brothers Studio. Starring Tony Liu, Guk Fung, Danny Lee Sau-Yin, Chau Li Chuan. Directed by Hua Shan.


In the 18th century, Emperor Chien Lung makes a journey into Southern China.


Following "Clans Of Intrigue"'s success, director Chu Yuan, novelist Ku Lung, and superstar Ti Lung re-teamed for another adventure featuring sexy knight Chu Liu-Hsiang. This time, he travels to the mysterious Island Of The Bats, where he encounters treacherous monks, beautiful women, and a strange Prince. The movie is also a significant milestone in the amount of female flesh revealed on screen, proving that Shaw movies can balance the yin of cheesecake with the yang of beefcake.


The Embroidery Bandit is stealing treasures while blinding his victims. The hero Liu Xiaofeng is called in to solve the mystery. The evidence points to the all-woman Clan of the Red Shoes - but appearances can be deceptive....


An apartment dweller goes on a search-and-destroy mission to kill the ruthless landlords who murdered his father.


Emperor Chien Lung uses disguises to experience life among his subjects.


Three female detectives - from Hong Kong, Korea and Singapore - go undercover in a cabaret to expose a murderer.


The "Godfather Of The Kung-Fu Film" created this rousing epic of a seemingly suicidal mission to destroy the Japanese Navy's flagship in 1937, featuring many great actors he had worked with over the years. Their courageous and desperate attempts to do just that comprise the remarkable action in this rousing epic, featuring some of the greatest actors Chang had ever made, was making, and would ever make famous. (IVL)


Master of the "swordplay thriller" genre, Chor Yuen and renowned kung-fu choreographer Tang Chia tell the fabulous tale of the "Fastest Swordsman in the World" facing the "1000 Face Devil" and no less than seven murderers.


Set in early 20th century Shanghai, this Hua Shan actioner stars former Golden Harvest regular Nora Miao Ke-hsiu as Bobo, a village girl who has journeyed to the big city in search of her father. Not long after her arrival, Bobo witnesses a gang fight dominated by a man she was friends with as a child. Now known as Jaguar, he works as a bodyguard for mob boss Kam, who is having a row with one of his partners. Jaguar makes trouble at one of the man's casinos as a part of a plan to smooth over the situation. Ace gunman Ko Tang is also in town and the two strike up an alliance to take over Kam's empire. Jaguar's lust for power soon alienates Bobo, who realizes that she was simply a pawn in his plan to gain control of the Shanghai underworld. Held a virtual prisoner, Bobo's one hope for revenge is Luo Lie, another friend from childhood and now her fiancee, currently imprisoned in Germany.


Lo Lieh stars as Sima Jun, a killer working for a corrupt lord whose orders are followed without question or hesitation. When the lord (Ku Feng) suffers from a life-threatening boil on his back, he is told by the Imperial doctor that an herb called "Longevity Rattan" offers the only cure and is grown in a remote village by an herbalist named Tan. Lo is sent on a mission to get the herb and bring it back before it's too late (seven days). A jealous aide saddles Lo with six other fighters to accompany him, i.e. steal the herb when they get the chance and race back to the capital so the aide will get the credit. Lo doesn't trust the six and none of them trust each other. At one point, one of the six nearly botches the whole mission.


There is no place more hallowed in the martial art world than China's Shaolin Temple. This special place deserves a special epic, which is what the martial arts maestro delivers in this battle between a brave brand of Chinese boxers and literally thousands of Ching troops - complete with betrayals, intrigues, and such novel fighting machines as 108 wooden robots. The conflicts grow in complexity, intensity and even suspense as monks struggle to stay alive in the face of overwhelming odds.


Emperor Chien Lung, bored with imperial traditions, disguises himself as a commoner to experience a different side of life.


Liao Jiang is the lowest ranking member of a gang that holds up a jewelery store. Subsequently the three other gang members die, and their gold haul goes missing. Liao Jiang and his new gang member Huge Eyes are then forced to turn to a triad gang to help get back their gold from a rival group.


Charles Heung plays an escaped rapist on the run from the authorities. During his escape he is helped by a rich, blind woman (Chen Chen) and becomes involved in a dangerous plot involving a precious diamond.

Hsiao Tsui is the most beautiful girl in a prosperous prostitution house in a North China town. But every client of hers is chased and scared by ghosts. She is thus very poorly treated by the owner. House madame Chiao takes pity in Tsui and hides her in an abandoned inn. There are seven coffins in the inn, all results of unnatural deaths...


A roaming fighter gets into the ring to win a boxing tournament to thwart an evil warlord.


A martial artist agrees to spy on a reclusive crime lord using his invitation to a tournament there as cover.


Polly Shang Kwan and Sam Hui are con artists who befriend a family of street venders and entertainers. The group constantly faces financial problems as they are ripped off by thugs, their rent is raised and car breaks down. Polly Kuan (who portrays a man for the entire film) lies, cheats, and steals to come up with the cash that everyone needs. Things get more serious when triad thugs kidnap the daughter of the family, and sell her to a triad boss, killing Carter Wong in the process.


Chen Zhen returns to the international compound of China only to learn of his beloved teacher's death. This is compounded by the continual racist harassment by the Japanese population in the area. Unlike his friends, he confronts it head on with his mastery of martial arts while investigating his teacher's murder.


Tang Lung arrives in Rome to help his cousins in the restaurant business. They are being pressured to sell their property to the syndicate, who will stop at nothing to get what they want. When Tang arrives he poses a new threat to the syndicate, and they are unable to defeat him. The syndicate boss hires the best Japanese and European martial artists to fight Tang, but he easily finishes them off.


There was a civil strife in the court. In order to protect the king, some loyal ministers and the king hid in an old house. This old house was known as a haunted house; whoever lived in the house shall die for sure. Mr. and Mrs. Tse went to the haunted house but died in it. Their son Tse Tin Jun wanted to find out the truth of his parents’ death, so he went to the house. At the mean time, another minister knew the king's hiding in the house. He sent out a military force to kill the king. Actually Mr. and Mrs. Tse pretended to die to deceive the public. Tin Jun stood with his parents and the loyal ministers to fight against the rebels. After the blood battle, they eventually annihilated the rebels...


Chen is a city boy who moves with his cousins to work at an ice factory. He does this with a family promise never to get involved in any fight. However, when members of his family begin disappearing after meeting the management of the factory, the resulting mystery and pressures force him to break that vow and take on the villainy of the Big Boss.
