Vladimir Simonov

Alla devoted most of her life to her ex-husbands, son and daughter. She works as a tutor while continuing to support her adult children and husbands. Relatives come to her for lunch every day, not at all interested in Alla herself. In one of these family dinners, choking on potatoes, Alla almost dies, but "relatives" do not even notice this.

The protagonist of the film Roman is the only surviving specialist in depth. The hunt begins for him. Fleeing from her, Roman saves the world


The film is inspired by an incredible true story of a shepherd dog named Palma who was inadvertently left in the airport by her owner. She befriends nine-year old Nicholas whose mother dies leaving him with a father he barely knows — a pilot who finds the dog at the airport. It’s a story of amazing adventures, true friendship and unconditional love.

A zombie apocalypse can happen tomorrow. But now there is a place where it is possible to escape.


Once upon a time, the great soprano Sofia Mayer conquered the world with her voice, her beauty and the legend she carefully built around herself. Now only the legend remains — the diva herself hasn't performed for years, nor been seen in the glittering circles of society she once dominated. But the woman who fascinated and thrilled the world for so long would like to crown her career with one more triumph. And she'll use every dirty trick she knows to achieve it.


In Yekaterinburg over the Christmas period, shop assistant Lenka Shabadinova experiences a number of incredible events and unexpected meetings.


About the tragic love story against the backdrop of the Caribbean crisis. According to the plot of the film, after the aggravation of relations between the two superpowers in different regions of the Soviet Union, military training for reservists was organized. In a quiet village located somewhere in central Russia, they don’t know anything about the lofty goals of the political leadership of the USSR and the USA. But when men of draft age begin to receive subpoenas from the military registration and enlistment office, the villagers understand: a new war has begun...

Two best friends - Shiryaev and Molotok are looking for Kolchack's treasure.


In the spring of 1982, as Brezhnev’s power is waning, Yuri Andropov decides to tackle corruption and apathy in the Soviet Union.


Горе-пиарщик, ловелас и авантюрист Миша Воробьев — на пороге очередного зигзага судьбы, не сулящего ему ничего хорошего. Из солидной компании уволили, денег нет, а перспективы более чем туманные. Но к печальному статусу неудачника Миша привыкнуть не успевает: судьба в очередной раз преподносит неожиданный сюрприз в виде довольно необычного предложения от бывшего босса. Оказывается, у того есть сын Сережа — юноша не то, чтобы замкнутый и закомплексованный, но явно не отвечающий представлениям отца об образе «настоящего мужчины». Осознав всю тщетность своих попыток наставить сына «на путь истинный», Павел Петрович находит, как ему кажется, единственно верный выход из положения.

A successful businessman accidentally learns about his wife's betrayal with his best friend. Overnight, he loses both his friend and wife. In a fit of despair leaves for the city of his first love. Once in a random prostitute, he recognizes his daughter, who was born without him in a distant city. But it is not so easy to find happiness. And is it a daughter?


Юная Настя приводит домой репетитора. Но её маму не радует желание дочки учиться. Подозрительная женщина усматривает в отношениях девочки и преподавателя подоплёку: Настя воспитывалась без отца и теперь влюбилась в маминого ровесника: образованного, импозантного мужчину. Мать любой ценой готова разорвать постыдные отношения: она не брезгует ни скандалами, ни шантажом, ни истериками. Но если бы она знала, какие у дочери от неё секреты...

A young couple - Anna and Mityai suddenly find a case with one million counterfeited dollars.


A love story between two teenagers - 16 years old Kostya and 15 years old Nika.


The hero of the film is called Schnack, he is not an ordinary guy, and from his company, which leads a rave lifestyle - fashion clubs, girls and continuous parties, he is distinguished by one thing: Schnack is a dreamer. He is constantly surprised and envious of beautiful girls: “How easy it is for them to live and everything succeeds thanks to a charming smile and long legs. That would be ... ". But is it so easy to cover beautiful legs with a miniskirt and not be in bed of bosom friends. And anyway, is it safe to dream when a wizard is nearby looking for another victim to fulfill her cherished desire ...


Fairy tale love story of Ivan, king's son, and Mariya, the forest sorceress.


In the beginning of a new century the capital of Russia is just amazing and full of poets, beautiful women and arts...


Deputy Dmitry Zemcov is working on a Law on State Support for Small Business. After coming home he finds his wife, Vera with their old friend Ivan.

Provincial town near Moscow. Here in a large communal apartment several families live. Each has its own concerns, its interests, its troubles and joys. A communal apartment is not just a habitat. This is a kind of section of society. They are all very different, members of this "communal dormitory": the intelligent Vera and the philistine Larisa, old-age pensioners who live their lives, and the invalid Lyra, who dreams of a happy life in faraway Australia, the soulless clerk Bozhok and the young scientist Victor, forced to look for tutoring . However, their fates are inextricably linked with events and difficult collisions taking place in the country, with a sense of instability, fear, anxious expectation: something must happen.


Andrei Davydov, a successful businessman and former physicist, plots an unprecedented scam aimed at causing a downfall on the world’s financial markets. He has no doubts that he will succeed, but speculating on an ecological catastrophe is a dangerous gamble. Especially when love interferes with his carefully thought-out scheme of the operation…


The film's hero, Lola, is getting ready for the celebration of her birthday. Because she knows she is in for a surprise, she lets two strangers with flowers and a cake into her apartment. The guests names are Bim and Bom; they are killers. They've chosen the girl's apartment as a shooting place to assassinate the president whose motorcade is to proceed by her house. Lola becomes a hostage and the main obstacle foiling the assassination plan.


The beautiful Tanya returns to her small mining town, after supposedly working as a model in Moscow. She decides to marry her shy school sweetheart Mishka, who now works in the mine. The miners finally receive some pay, but Mishka still ends up with no money to buy his bride a gift, so he seeks the help of his perpetually drunk buddy Garkusha. Mishka's poor working-class family all help to put on a fine wedding with copious amounts of vodka, even though they are suspicious of Tanya's occupation in Moscow, and of her connection with her Mafia ex-boyfriend Borodin.


1947 ... The Savchenko family returns to Moscow from evacuation - husband and wife with Kostya's little son. They settle with Grandma Kostya in a huge communal apartment. Street meets the boy with a flock of local boys. Then there were: the division of the territory with the "Sretensky"; trophy movie “Girl of my dreams”; a school with separate education, camp discipline and essays about the border guard Karatsyup. And the monetary reform of 1947, when all of their savings depreciated in an instant, and the boys let out boats from banknotes in puddles.


The legendary commander of the Civil War, the winner of Wrangel arrives in the capital at the call of Stalin. In the capital, he is perplexed to learn that the Politburo at a special meeting decided to force him to operate on a long-standing ulcer. The attending physician is convinced that the operation is not needed, but, obeying party discipline, the old Bolshevik lies on the operating table.


Volodya, who lives with his mother in the apartment on the outskirts of St. Petersburg, gets a pre-revolutionary book on magic rituals of Africa. Reading it, Vladimir realizes that he became an owner the supernatural gift – he can kill people by his own will.


A tragicomic story about a long going duel between experienced detective and young and pretty girl in the start of her grafter career.


Once in the fierce winter, student Roger McKay forced the shopkeeper to distribute food supplies to the Indians. Hiding from justice, the hero meets Neyda in a remote land - an orphan, brought up in the family of a merchant of stolen whiskey, who wants to quickly marry her to a rich neighbor. Roger and Neyda, having fallen in love with each other, decide to secretly get married and leave these places. But Roger is justified - and the hero, along with his beloved, returns to his house.

Based on the novel of the same name and the stories of A. Green. Once, a young man, Sandy, undertook to transport two strangers to Snake Island to the palace of the wealthy Hanover. The landlord, admiring the courage of a young sailor who was not afraid of the stormy weather, invited the young man to be his guest. Walking around the fabulous palace, Sandy accidentally finds out the story of Hanuver ...


A story of Sashka - a young Red Army soldier fighting in the WWII.


Rimas Tuminas' adaptation of two novels by Grigory Kanovich, is a dreamy, ruminative, comedic road trip, centering around the parlous fortunes of Eastern European Jews at the start of the 20th century. A period piece that carries a modern conscious, Smile Upon Us, is a Becket-like "Waiting for Jehovah" featuring three towering figures from the Russian stage, Viktor Sukhorukov, Aleksei Guskov and Vladimir Simonov.

Near future. Lera Arabova is a 15-year-old girl who lives with her family in Vladivostok. Lera's father has been working at the orbiting space station "Mira" for many years and has long lost contact with his daughter, turning only into a voice on the phone. After a meteor shower hits the city, Lera has only one chance to save her loved ones and the city from a new disaster. Her father helps her in this - through satellite surveillance systems and the telephone, he uses every opportunity to send a message to his daughter, watching from above from the station her every step.
