Wolfram Berger

In the heirs, the friendship ends, as is well known - especially if the illegitimate scion of a count is to come unexpectedly to a million-fortune. In a bitter inheritance dispute, Paula Dennstein and Therese Schwarz are the lawyers of the parties to the dispute, who at eye level deliver a sophisticated exchange of blows and outdo each other in bluffing. While the idealistic career starter leaves no stone unturned to help her client to his rights, the lavish legal advocate of the noble family must prevent the family's reputation from getting under the wheels.


Dale Schröder (1951- 2029) was a Swiss artist known for creating AI human hybrids using social media platforms. At the insistence of an ambitious art curator, Dale agrees to introduce his work to the general public. Captured by a documentary ‘filmmaker’, the show’s opening night is a disastrous blend of confusion, fear, and revulsion.

A policeman gets into a spiral of events, in which assault, extortion and murder are proven means.


At the beginning of the 20th Century, Egon Schiele is one of the most provocative artists in Vienna. His life and work are driven by beautiful women and an era that is coming to an end. Two women will have a lasting impact on him - his sister and first muse Gerti, and 17-year-old Wally, arguably Schiele's one true love, immortalized in his famous painting 'Death and the Maiden'. Schiele's radical paintings scandalize Viennese society while daring artists like Gustav Klimt and art agents alike are sensing the exceptional. But Egon Schiele is also prepared to go beyond his own pain and to sacrifice love and life for his art.


Jack, who has all but failed at life, dreams of a fresh beginning abroad. Instead, he unexpectedly has to take care of his hated father Paul, who he has not seen since childhood. Paul suffers from Alzheimer's and wants to make peace with his son while he still can. But Jack has very different plans for Paul. Two worlds collide, and a journey to Ticino, the Italian-speaking part of Switzerland, turns into an odyssey back to a painfully suppressed past.


Mountaineering on enclosed terrain, the young doctor Clara Lang discovers a mummified corpse. Apparently, the dead has been in the ice for years. No one knows who it is at the bottom of the valley. When Clara's friend David wants to inspect the site more closely, he too is deadly. Clara is devastated. Her grief is compounded by the suspicion that David was murdered. Abandoned by the authorities, Clara stretches out her tentacles on her own and begins to investigate.


Think of a really nice person, a friend of yours, someone who could never hurt a fly. Imagine finding out that he is supposed to have killed someone. You're told that he has shot a person in a bar, for no obvious reason. He has already confessed. He says the murder was planned. He expects a life sentence. He even longs for it. He wants to pay for his crime. The psychiatrist cannot see any mental illness. People around him don't think him to be evil. They like him. They want to help him and protect him from himself. And they all ask the same question: Why....?


The life of 20-year-old Nico from upper class Zurich is all party, sex and drugs when she meets Paco, the front man of a rap band. She finds herself drawn to his independent, creative and profound way of life, so different from her own. With naiveté and infinite self-confidence, she tries to adopt his lifestyle - without anticipating the consequences.


After sleeping with Sharif, an engineer from Kashmir, the young and naive Lisa leaves his apartment without a comment. Six weeks later, they meet again and fall in love. Although Lisa feels totally happy, she doesn't tell Sharif about her pregnancy. On the other hand, he keeps secret that his brother Tajjab came to Munich and forced him to commit a terrorist attack. They both were soldiers of the Muslim liberation army in Kashmir, but Sharif left his home country to study in London. Little by little, Lisa discovers the truth about her boy-friend and tries to prevent the worst...


After the death of his spouse Robert Senden,professor of literature in Graz (Austria) has become a solitary man.His housekeeper, the Italian Maria hardly tolerates his pedantry.Suddenly Maria must travel to Italy for family reasons and Robert Senden will take care of Rick, Maria's godchild till Thomas, the father of Ricky can come for him.But bad news Thomas had an accident and stays now in an hospital.Ricky is desperate and escape from Graz to Italy and Robert Senden will follow him and now begins some days of rest in the house of Maria's mother.


The film is based on the figure of the police inspector Simon Polt of the Austrian author Alfred Komarek.


Verena, the mother superior at a German convent, tells the story of young nun Antonia. Born deaf and taken in by the convent at a young age, Antonia was raised to be a sister. At the age of 27, Antonia begins commuting to work at a men's shelter in town. There she meets handsome pickpocket Mikas, who is also deaf. Mikas courts Antonia and the two become lovers. But when Mikas is tragically killed by police, Antonia decides to take her fate into her own hands and travels to America where she will study to become an actor.


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Trautmann is an Austrian television series.


Petra professionally works as a thief abroad to finance the studies of her younger sister Franziska in Germany.


Michael Haneke's adaptation of Franz Kafka's unfinished novel Das Schloss. K arrives in a remote village a stranger. In attempting to establish himself there, he enters the nightmarish world of the castle bureaucracy.


Tom is constantly running into problems and gets beaten up time and time again.


Leo Strobl, called "Turbo-Leo", is the fastest photographer around. When a tragedy takes place, he is the first one on his way to cover it. Then a young photographer shows up and a deadly race between the two commences.


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Even in war, the life of a rich family is different, according to this fictional story about Francois Korb (Armin Müller-Stahl) an arms manufacturer who sold both to the Germans and the Allied forces. Korb's home life is less than ideal, since his wife is having an affair with his brother, and his young son is inseparable from a teddy bear. To remedy the son's situation, the parents take in a little refugee girl as a temporary companion and playmate, and the two children become fast friends -- and when they meet again long after the war, the influence of family is all the more apparent. Meanwhile, the arms dealer will learn the hard way that weapons kill.


A comedy directed by Rolf Lyssy.


A theatrical group prepare Voltaire’s play “Alzire”. From this the ideas of Voltaire are examined as they relate to the present day political situation.


Assassination in Davos (German: Konfrontation) is a 1976 Swiss thriller film directed by Rolf Lyssy and starring Peter Bollag, Gert Haucke and Marianne Kehlau. It is based on the assassination of the Swiss Nazi Wilhelm Gustloff by a student in 1936. The film was selected as the Swiss entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 48th Academy Awards, but was not nominated.


The 23-year-old Bruno accidentally clashes with society, the judicial and the police. Once he has exceeded the legal limits, he is stuck to the wrong side of the law.
