Zena Marshall

A group of scientists are kidnapped and taken to an outer space outpost in order to save Earth from destruction.


Set in 1910. In order to boost circulation of his newspaper, Lord Rawnsley offers £10,000 to the first person who can fly across the English Channel.


A racketeer, deported back from America, faces murder charge and hatches jury rigging plot with accomplice. Cross and double-cross follow.


A wristwatch-smuggling gang bring watches into the country in a car's petrol tank. Poor Zena Marshall knows too much, so the gangs abducts her. Stalwart customs official Anthony Steel struggles manfully to rescue the girl.

In the film that launched the James Bond saga, Agent 007 battles mysterious Dr. No, a scientific genius bent on destroying the U.S. space program. As the countdown to disaster begins, Bond must go to Jamaica, where he encounters beautiful Honey Ryder, to confront a megalomaniacal villain in his massive island headquarters.


Arson is the way out for a failing cosmetics company.


In this thriller, two gangs of jewel thieves battle it out in a deserted cottage. Murder ensues when the owners of the cabin show up. Listed as lost by the BFI.


On receiving an inheritance from her grandfather, Canadian Jeannie MacLean decides to visit the family's Scottish roots. On the plane she meets businessman Stanley Smith, and romance blossoms in Edinburgh. The complications begin when Stanley breaks a date with Jeannie to woo voluptuous redhead Helene, and Jeannie is flattered by the attentions of the impoverished Lord McNairn; he's heard about her good fortune, and gallantly offers to show her the city.


Three stories of murder and the supernatural: A museum worker is introduced to a world behind the pictures he sees every day. When two lifelong friends fall in love with the same woman and she is killed, they are obvious suspects. Is their friendship strong enough for them to alibi each other? When a young politician is hurt by the arrogant Secretary for Foreign Affairs Lord Mountdrago, he uses Mountdrago's dreams to get revenge.


Bank robber's plans for a wealthy lifestyle gradually turn to more noble aims.


An insurance investigator is framed for murder after a pretty woman hires him to recover a letter from a man who wants to blackmail her.


Escapee switches identities but finds the new one quite a handful.


An adventure story dealing with the building of a railway in Africa at the turn of the century.


A theatre producer and actor try in vain to have a quiet week in a country cottage. But their efforts turn into comic disaster as a variety of wives, girlfriends and scoutmasters arrive uninvited.


Young Anthony Pendrell plays the precocious son of Scotland Yard inspector Norman Shelley. Pendrell's efforts to emulate his father usually results in nothing but irritation for his elders. But when a boarding house becomes the headquarters for a criminal gang, it is Pendrell who cracks the case.

The plans of a publicity agent to put on a charity concert are nearly wrecked by a lawyer who wants to take over a restaurant, but the situation is saved by local co-operation.


Vicky Barton and her brother, Johnny, take a trip to the 1896 Paris Exhibition. They both sleep in seperate rooms in a hotel. When the sister gets up the next morning, she finds her brother and his room had disappeared and no one will even acknowledge that he was ever there. Now Vicky must find out what exactly happened to her brother.


The crew of a submarine is trapped on the sea floor when it sinks. How can they be rescued before they run out of air?


A young woman marries and moves into her husband's family mansion. She soon discovers that neither the house, nor her husband, is exactly what it seems to be.

Set in a German theatre after the Second World War, two British soldiers are holding a disparate and hostile band of refugees in this theatre, prior to returning them to their homelands. The soldiers have difficulty dealing with the rivalries between Serb and Croat, resistance fighter and collaborator, Pole and Russian, etc. The threat of plague briefly unites them, but eventually even this wears off and the refugees unite in their hostility to the British.


The stories of several individuals who consult a marriage bureau, including a peer of the realm, his butler, a lonely school teacher, a French girl on the run from a violent boyfriend, a country vicar, and a newspaper reporter, sent by his editor, to do an undercover story.


A detective gets involved with a wealthy socialite who can't seem to stop hiccuping.


Meet Simon Cherry was based on a popular BBC radio program of the 1940s titled Meet the Rev. Hugh Moxey plays the title role, a Father Brown-style clergyman who solves crimes when he isn't saving souls


Good and bad characters are stuck in a ski chalet near buried Nazi gold in the Alps.


Spies pursue a stolen diary aboard the Orient Express.


A young married physician discovers a mermaid, and gives into her request to be taken to see London. Comedy and romantic entanglements ensue soon after.


Good Time Girl stars Jean Kent as incipient juvenile delinquent Gwen Rawlings. Sent to a home for "problem" girls, Gwen receives a crash course in petty crime. Back on the outside, she falls in with the usual bad crowd, and suffers spectacularly as a result.


In the late 19th century, on board a ship sailing from Jamaica to England, Olivia Harwood, a recent widow, takes on the task of caring for several malaria patients, including Mark Bellis, a mysterious and tormented painter.


A South American Indian is taken from his jungle home into the world of the White Man where he is forced to stand trial for murder.


The aging Caesar finds himself intrigued by the young Egyptian queen. Adapted by George Bernard Shaw from his own play.
