Sónia Balacó

In 1918, Maria Adelaide Coelho da Cunha, heiress and owner of the Diário de Notícias, leaves the social, cultural and family luxury in which she lives to escape with a petty chauffeur, 26 years younger.

Film biography dwelling on the hectic artistic life of António Variações, a famous Portuguese pop rock singer from the 80s, who died from AIDS-related complications in 1984.


A Portuguese series, dealing with terrorism, crime, and the economical crises in Portugal.


After a hard life of chasing nazis, Jacob Cohn is on his death bed. Recently, he found that one of the most bloodiest nazis, who almost killed him in a concentration camp, is hiding in Portugal. Friederich Haas was known also as the Dachau Dentist for pulling the teeth of the prisoners mouth, one by one, just for fun. Without alternatives, being to weak to go after him, Jacob sends his pacifist and shy grandson, Jean Luc to finish his last mission. Jean Luc has to go to Portugal and bring Friederich Haas' teeth to his grandfather.

A headlong dive into the deepest, silliest recesses of Abrantes’s unconscious.


Welcome to Lisbon: there are mermaids by the Tagus and birds flying over the old city; there are mad scientists and singing fish; lost tourist guides and lost tourists; fado and sad guitars. What a weird city you may think - but no. Lisbon is about being different, sarcastic, welcoming to foreigners even in an economic crisis. Different directors became fascinated by our strangeness. We became fascinated by these directors. The city is never the same in these four episodes, here in Lisbon.


The Portuguese Carnation Revolution of April 25th seen by a women perspective.


Focusing on the timeless themes of jealousy, murder and betrayal, 'I Against I' is set over one night and utilises different time lines to reveal a dark and unexpected conclusion to a simple mystery premise. The main protagonists, opposite in character, take a frantic journey into a desolate nocturnal world with the common aim of survival, though once completed, the plot reveals a trap from which escape may be impossible.


Two women victims of domestic violence exchange stories through the grids of a prison. One changes the life of another.


Six friends gather every evening in a basement to make music. But during the day, regarding the things of life, there are no tests. Every experience leaves its mark.


An original and unique parody to reality shows. In Portugal, different celebrities, from different artistic areas, "live" together in a house where everything looks real, but it's not. Pure comedy and social satire.
